Sunday, November 7, 2010

Upcoming Plays and Food Events in Mumbai

30 Days In September Play

Event Date: Nov 13 2010 08:00 PM

Event Genre: Theatre & Arts > Plays & Dramas

Event Venue: Y.B Chavan Centre 3rd Floor, General Jaganath Bhosale Marg, Nariman Point

30 Days in September Play Information: 30 Days In September - Play. Writer: Mahesh Dattani. Director: Lilette Dubey. Cast: Neha Dubey, Joy Sengupta, Amar Talwar & Lillete Dubey.

'30 Days in September' is an intense and gripping tale of love and betrayal that explores the brutal severance of the unbreakable bond between adult and child. A mother discovers the truth about her daughter, which sets them both on a journey of self discovery about their lives and their inextricably linked past.

Tehzeeb-e-Lucknow - Awadhi Food Festival Mumbai

Event Date: Nov 12 2010 To Nov 26 2010

Event Genre: Food & Dining > Food Festival

Event Venue: Renaissance Mumbai Hotel & Convention Centre, Mumbai

Awadhi Food Festival Mumbai

EVENT INFORMATION: Tehzeeb-e-Lucknow - Awadhi Food Festival. Love for Awadhi cuisine is not at first sight - it's a slow awakening of long forgotten royal tastes that stimulates the appetite. Renaissance Hotel, Mumbai will re-create the aura of resplendent royal times and present the regal cuisine in its tastiest re-incarnation.

One of the distinctive features of Awadhi food is the Dum Pukht process of cooking. The process involves sealing ingredients to cook over slow flame, allowing the ingredients to cook in their own juices. Chef will offer the choicest preparations, which will transport you to the land of Nawabs.

Opt for a vegetarian set menu (Rs. 1300/-), a non-vegetarian set menu (Rs. 1800/-) or a Sea Food set menu (Rs. 2400/-) and sit back to embark on an out-of-this-world culinary experience.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Gujarathi Food Festival in Bangalore with Special Discount for Buzzintown Users

Gujarathi Food Festival

Event Date: Oct 15 2010 To Oct 31 2010

Event Genre: Food & Dining >> Food Festivals in Bangalore

Event Venue: @ Pride Hotel

Gujarathi Food Festival

EVENT INFORMATION: The Pride Hotel presents Gujarathi Food Festival. Savour delicacies such as Khamanc Dhokla, Sev Kachori, Kadi Khichadi, Handwa and lots more. Enjoy the the flavour of Gujrath, the music and the garbha.

Hurry! A tantalizing Gujarati spread awaits you.

The Actual price of the Buffet is Rs 1250/-. However, Buzzintown users get an exclusive offer to relish this buffet for just Rs. 599/- ONLY.

The offer will include unlimited Buffet, Starters, Beer and IML (Indian Made Liquor).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Events in Delhi this October 2010

Zangoora: A Live Musical Fantasy

Event Date: Sep 22 - Nov 21 Daily

Event Genre: Theatre & Arts » Magic Show

Event Venue: Kingdom of Dreams

Zangoora - A Live Musical Fantasy

Event Details: India's answer to Broadway, Zangoora the Gypsy Prince - The biggest Bollywood musical ever. Introducing a brand new genre of entertainment where storytelling & bollywood style song & Dance meet stage craft and technical wizardry like never seen before.

In a world class theater Nautanki Mahal, enter a world of entertainment that brings the best of Indian and International talent to create a Bollywood spectacle live on stage that is truly cinematic.

Virasat 2010

Event Date: Sep 01 - Nov 03 Wednesday

Event Genre: Theatre & Arts » Cultural Events

Event Venue: New Delhi

Virasat 2010

Event Details: Virasat 2010. Organised by Spic Macay. Celebrating its 33rd year, invites you to the inauguration of Virasat 2010, A festival of Classical Music and Dance, Folk, Theatre, Film Classics, Yoga, Workshop,...

'Kailashnath Weds Madhumati' and 'Great Mind At Work' - Comedy Plays

Event Date: Oct 16 Saturday

Event Genre: Theatre & Arts » Plays

Event Venue: Alliance Francaise de Delhi

'Kailashnath Weds Madhumati' and 'Great Mind At Work' - Comedy Plays

Event Details: Chilsag International, an Indian Theatre organization will stage two hilarious comedy plays in Hindi.. 1) Kailashnath Weds Madhumati (7:00 pm) - A Musical Comedy that revolves around Kailashnath, who...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cultural Events in Delhi this Weekend

Delhi Celebrates: Festival of India

Event Date: Sep 07 - Oct 13 Tuesday

Event Genre: Family & Kids

Event Venue: @ Dilli Haat, INA Market

EVENT INFORMATION: Delhi Celebrates! : Festival of India. will feature artists and performances largely from States and Union Territories. Will be conducted in collaboration with State and UT Governments, as also Government...

Presented by: Delhi Tourism & Department of Art, Culture & Languages.

Delhi Celebrates: Uttar Pradesh Day

Event Date: Sep 25 Saturday

Event Genre: Family & Kids

Event Venue: @ Dilli Haat, INA Market

EVENT INFORMATION: Delhi Celebrates! Uttar Pradesh Day. Presented by : Delhi Tourism & Department of Art, Culture & Languages.

Virasat 2010

Event Date: Sep 01 - Nov 03 Wednesday

Event Genre: Theatre & Arts » Cultural Events

Event Venue: @ New Delhi, Virasat 2010

EVENT INFORMATION: Virasat 2010. Organised by Spic Macay. Celebrating its 33rd year, invites you to the inauguration of Virasat 2010, A festival of Classical Music and Dance, Folk, Theatre, Film Classics, Yoga, Workshop,...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Music Concerts Bangalore: Muse Rock with Parikrama and Avial

Event Date: Aug 14 2010

Event Genre: Music and Concerts Bangalore >> Bands

Event Venue: @ St. Johns Medical College Lawn

Muse Rock with Parikrama and Avial

Muse Rock with Parikrama and Avial

EVENT INFORMATION: Muse Rock is a concert organized In Aid of Unit of Hope. The event will feature performances by bands such as Parikrama and Avial.

Opening set: Gig Bang Theory

Parikrama, a well-known Rock band in India came into existence in the year 1991, the band has been around since a very long time now and is considered to be one of the oldest bands to have ever Rocked the country.

It was a summer afternoon in Delhi when a group of young talented guys got together and formed a band, they named it Parikrama-in literal Hindi it means revolving around.. Encircling etc. living their lives doing what one ought to, keeping to one's own chosen path, and on and on. They were either out of the same school, into the same college, whistling similar tunes, or sharing brains.

Call 9986984878 for "offline booking/delivery* of tickets" and "bulk/group bookings" (*conditions apply).

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hot and Happening Events in Bangalore this Weekend 17-18 July 2010

Zedde: Live Loud And Explosive

Event Date: Jul 17 2010 Saturday

Event Genre: Music & Concerts » Rock

Event Venue: @ Kyra Theatre & Restaurant

Zedde: Live Loud And Explosive

EVENT INFORMATION: Zedde: Live Loud And Explosive. The Bad Boys of Rock N Roll Finally Make It To Bangalore.

Artist Bio : In mid 2008, singer 2Blue and guitar player Claver, musicians best known for their work in Vayu and Rust Angels, got together to form Zedde. Zedde is driven by the undying passion to perform original music and the urge to carry forward the legacy of their hard rock predecessors.

Chocolate Krishna Play

Event Date: Jul 18 2010 Sunday

Event Genre: Theatre & Arts » Plays & Dramas

Event Venue: @ Chowdiah Memorial Hall

Chocolate Krishna Play

EVENT INFORMATION: Chocolate Krishna - Play by Cine Fame Crazy Mohan. The story revolves around Madhu, a sales executive in a company that manufactures chocolates. Despite his hard work, he does not get rewarded appropriately. He has several problems at his home - a father who is an aspiring flautist, an unmarried sister and a grandmother who involves herself in petty thefts. Madhu, a staunch devotee of Lord Krishna, is hopeful that the Almighty will help him overcome all his problems. Finally Lord Krishna himself arrives to rescue Madhu.!

Bangalore Street Dancers - A Reality Dance battle

Event Date: Jul 17 2010 Saturday

Event Genre: Music & Concerts

Event Venue: @ Maharani Ammani College

Bangalore Street Dancers - A Reality Dance battle

EVENT INFORMATION: Bangalore Street Dancers - A Reality Dance battle. Avighna Productions cordially invites you to Bangalore Street Dancers ( First Time In India ) , a series of reality dance competitions that encompasses various aspects of Street Dancing formed as an answer to needs among youths of various urban areas, such as the lack of affordable dance schools.

Learn the ABC's of Stock Market

Event Date: Jul 17 2010 To Jul 18 2010 and Aug 01 2010

Event Genre: Business Events » Workshops & Seminars

Event Venue: @ iReboot

Learn the ABC's of Stock Market

EVENT INFORMATION:Learn to independently trade online and invest wisely. Make informed decisions about your investments, know the factors influencing the stock market and get an insight on the company stocks that will help you to bring in rich dividends!

Call 9986984878 for "offline booking/delivery* of tickets" and "bulk bookings" (*conditions apply).

To know more about entertainment events in Bangalore please visit our site

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hot and Happening Events in Delhi in June this Weekend

Multi-cuisine Corporate Lunch at Jolly Rogers

Event Date: May 18 2010 To Jun 30 2010 (All Day)

Event Venue: Jolly Rogers, 1002, 10th Floor, Time Tower, Opposite Gurgaon Central Mall, MG Road, MFG Metropolitan, Gurgaon Delhi

EVENT INFORMATION: Corporate Lunch at Jolly Rogers. Meals include salads, choices of vegetarian & non vegetarian main course along with accompaniments and desserts to finish with. Cuisine for Every day is as follows:

Monday - Thai.
Tuesday - Italian.
Wednesday - Indian.
Thursday - Oriental.
Friday - Polynesian.

Sakharam Binder Play

Event Date: Jun 13 2010

Event Venue: M. L. Bhartia Auditorium, Alliance Francaise de Delhi

EVENT INFORMATION: Shubham Art & Culture Society presents Vijay Tendulkar's 'Sakharam Binder' - Play. Directed by Mahender Singh.

Kyunki Sasur Bhi Kabhi Damad Tha Play

Event Date: Jun 20 2010

Event Venue: M. L. Bhartia Auditorium, Alliance Francaise de Delhi

Kyunki Sasur Bhi Kabhi Damad Tha Play

EVENT INFORMATION: Kyunki Sasur Bhi Kabhi Damad Tha - Play. Writer & Director : Yasin Khan.

Guptaji and Bijju are neighbors. Bijju is in love with the only daughter of Guptaji who is Rajjo. Rajjo also secretly admires Bijju. Guptaji is not happy and convinced about this affair between them because Bijju is unemployed and he along with his younger brother Saggu and few others of his age group is involved in small thefts and nuisances to earn their daily bread. There is constant tiff happening between Guptaji and Bijju in regard with Rajjo. Bijju with his nuisances ensures that Guptaji is quite often and embarrassed for his opposition.

Painting Exhibition by Priyanka

Event Date: Jun 07 2010 To Jun 30 2010

Event Venue: All India Fine Arts & Crafts Society

EVENT INFORMATION: Painting Exhibition by Priyanka.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Upcoming Plays in Delhi this Weekend in May

Amedkar Aur Gandhi Play in Delhi

Event Date: May 15 2010 07:00 PM,
Event Genre: Plays in Delhi this weekend
Event Venue: Shri Ram Centre, Delhi

Amedkar Aur Gandhi Play in Delhi

Event Details: Asmita Arts Group Presents Amedkar Aur Gandhi - Play. Directed by Arvind Gaur.

Lahron ke Rajhans Play in Delhi

Event Date: May 16 2010 07:00 PM,
Event Genre: Plays in Delhi this weekend
Event Venue: Shri Ram Centre, Delhi

Lahron ke Rajhans Play in Delhi

Event Details: "Leheron Ke Raj Hans' (The Swans of the Waves),based on ancient Buddhist tale of love, conflict ,inner struggle and renunciation.'Leheron Ke Raj Hans' is the most noted play of Mohan Rakesh, an ancient Buddhist tale on the renunciation of the Buddha, and its after affects on his close family, was first written as short story and later turned it into a radio play for Radio...

1947 Play in Delhi

Event Date: May 22 & May 23 2010 07:00 & 07:30 PM resp.,
Event Genre: Plays in Delhi this weekend
Event Venue: Epicentre and Alliance Francaise de Delhi, Delhi

1947 Play in Delhi

Event Details: 1947 - Play. Comic Satire by Saleem Shah. Script & Direction: Dr. M. Sayeed Alam. Call 9891001515 for"offline booking/delivery* of tickets" and "bulk bookings" (*conditions apply).

For more information about events happening in Delhi please visit our site

Friday, April 30, 2010

Black & White Play in Bangalore on 02 May 10

Plays in Bangalore this Weekend

Black & White play is a collection of eight short plays. The name Black & White comes from the various shades of humour that run throughout the show, dark and light humour namely.

1) Fatal Beatings: A Rowan Atkinson sketch, where the headmaster beats a student to death,in order to maintain discipline. He has to break the news of the students death to his father.

2) Losing my Patients: A small sketch from the Bristish classic Morcambe & Wise, Losing my Patients takes you back to the good old days. A patient who doesn't really know whats wrong with him, a doctor who doesn't really care to take notice, a pathetic combination,but allows you to laugh your hearts out.

3) Surgery: A play by Anton Chekov. A dentist – I am sorry, a dentist to be, I mean he has all the experience as a doctor only that he does not posses a doctors degree waiting for a patient to pluck his first tooth.

4) Man With Three Buttocks: A hilarious comic sketch by the popular Monty Python troop, also known as Python. A man who claims to have three,hmmmm,u know,a bonus,a 50% extra.....ok three buttocks.

5) Arrangement: A really funny take on parenting by Anton Chekov. A father decides his to take his son on his nineteenth birthday a special place, where a father would never ever take his son.But he feels its all a part of growing up and must be treated as education. By taking him to a 'lady on the street'.

6) Audition: Written by Anton Chekov, an aspiring actor from a small town dreams to make it big in films.

7) Good Loser: A sketch by Rowan Atkinson. An actor loses the best actor award to his co-star, is asked to receive the award on his behalf. This he sees as an opportunity to hit back at his co-star.This three minute sketch shows the funny side of a spoil-sport.

8) Seduction: Yet another Anton Chekov play, which is a live practical demonstration on how to seduce a woman with a little help from her husband!

For more information about plays going on in Bangalore please visit our site

Monday, March 15, 2010

Harishchandrachi Factory – Special Screening of Marathi Movies in Bangalore

Marathi Movie Harishchandrachi Factory - India’s Official Entry to The Oscars

Event Date: Mar 28 2010
Movie Screening Time: 2:00 pm (Event duration: 4:30 hrs)

Movie Screening Venue: Subex Auditorium Bangalore

Event Details: NECAB Matinee will feature screening of Harishchandrachi Factory, a Marathi film about the pioneer of Indian Cinema: Dadasaheb Phalke. The film is based on a true story of the birth of world's Largest Film Industry.

Harishchandrachi Factory Marathi movie Bangalore

The event will also see the screening of two short films: Maythil - a Malayalam documentary with English subtitles, directed by Gopinathan. Based on the literary works and thoughts of renowned writer Maythil Radhakrishnan.

Viparyasa - a Kannada short film with English subtitles, directed by veteran theater artist Joseph.

HURRY! Avail Exclusive 10% "Early Bird Discount Offer" ONLY at

Call 9986984878 for "offline booking/delivery* of tickets" and "bulk bookings" (*conditions apply).

To know more about the special screening of Marathi movies in Bangalore please visit our site.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Upcoming Music Concerts in Bangalore This Weekend

Rang De Basanti 2010 - Music Concert

Rang De Basanti 2010 - Music Concert

Event Date: Jan 23, 2010 - Jan 26, 2010 06:00 PM,
Event occurs daily
Event duration: 6:00 hrs
Event Details: Here is your opportunity to relish 'Khana with Gaana' and enjoy the music (Hindi film hits rendered by 'Golden Greats', an orchestra from Mumbai) and at the same time savor over 300 varieties of delicacies.

Shaa'Ir & Func at Bacchus

Shaa'Ir & Func at Bacchus

Event Details: Ballantines and Blive! present Shaa'Ir & Func at Bacchus. She's from New York, he's from Mumbai. Rated one of Vh1's Top Ten emerging artists out of India, the diasporic duo's brand of electronic "lovebeat"...
Event Date: Jan 23 Saturday
Event Venue: Bacchus Bar, BANGALORE

Prem Joshua & Band En Vivo

Prem Joshua & Band En Vivo

Event Details: Prem Joshua & Band En Vivo - Trance Music Concert.
Event Date: Jan 23, Saturday
Event Venue: Kyra Theatre & Restaurant, BANGALORE

Founders Day Celebrations

Event Details: Founders Day Celebrations. A three day festival of Music and Dance by the students of Kala-Bharathi.
Event Date: Jan 22 - Jan 24, Daily
Event Venue: Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan, BANGALORE

To know more about upcoming music concerts in Bangalore this weekend please visit our site.