Event Date: Jul 17 2010 Saturday
Event Genre: Music & Concerts » Rock
Event Venue: @ Kyra Theatre & Restaurant
EVENT INFORMATION: Zedde: Live Loud And Explosive. The Bad Boys of Rock N Roll Finally Make It To Bangalore.
Artist Bio : In mid 2008, singer 2Blue and guitar player Claver, musicians best known for their work in Vayu and Rust Angels, got together to form Zedde. Zedde is driven by the undying passion to perform original music and the urge to carry forward the legacy of their hard rock predecessors.
Chocolate Krishna Play
Event Date: Jul 18 2010 Sunday
Event Genre: Theatre & Arts » Plays & Dramas
Event Venue: @ Chowdiah Memorial Hall
EVENT INFORMATION: Chocolate Krishna - Play by Cine Fame Crazy Mohan. The story revolves around Madhu, a sales executive in a company that manufactures chocolates. Despite his hard work, he does not get rewarded appropriately. He has several problems at his home - a father who is an aspiring flautist, an unmarried sister and a grandmother who involves herself in petty thefts. Madhu, a staunch devotee of Lord Krishna, is hopeful that the Almighty will help him overcome all his problems. Finally Lord Krishna himself arrives to rescue Madhu.!
Bangalore Street Dancers - A Reality Dance battle
Event Date: Jul 17 2010 Saturday
Event Genre: Music & Concerts
Event Venue: @ Maharani Ammani College
EVENT INFORMATION: Bangalore Street Dancers - A Reality Dance battle. Avighna Productions cordially invites you to Bangalore Street Dancers ( First Time In India ) , a series of reality dance competitions that encompasses various aspects of Street Dancing formed as an answer to needs among youths of various urban areas, such as the lack of affordable dance schools.
Learn the ABC's of Stock Market
Event Date: Jul 17 2010 To Jul 18 2010 and Aug 01 2010
Event Genre: Business Events » Workshops & Seminars
Event Venue: @ iReboot
EVENT INFORMATION:Learn to independently trade online and invest wisely. Make informed decisions about your investments, know the factors influencing the stock market and get an insight on the company stocks that will help you to bring in rich dividends!
Call 9986984878 for "offline booking/delivery* of tickets" and "bulk bookings" (*conditions apply).
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